AlmaLinux 9.4 and AlmaLinux 8.10 are both stable! Checkout AlmaLinux OS 9.4 Stable and AlmaLinux OS 8.10 Stable for more information!


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It wasn't possible--until now. Move between major versions of RHEL-derivatives: from CentOS 6.x to CentOS 7.x, from CentOS 7.x to 8.x version of the RHEL derivative of your choice, or upgrade from 8.x to 9.x within the same derivative. Preserve your applications, your data, and your sanity. 运行所需的最新版本操作系统和软件。


The beating heart of ELevate is the 包演化服务 (PES) which allows you to download, customize and even submit new data sets for packages. Users and maintainers can both utilize the PES to help make migrations smooth and easy.


EL易升是以一种与发行版无关的方式开发的,它是作为整个生态系统的工具而构建的,而不仅仅是 AlmaLinux。 EL易升支持迁移到/出其他发行版,并且对所有人开放以做出贡献和增强。

ELevate is a project aimed to provide the ability to upgrade between major versions of RHEL-based distributions. It combines Red Hat's Leapp framework with a community-created migration metadata library and service.
First join us in the ~migration Mattermost 途径。 You can find the tool code in the AlmaLinux GitHub organization 您可以在以下位置添加/编辑/与包元数据交互
ELevate has been used to migrate production environments across industries and across the world, but we still advise caution. Every environment is different and unique based on applications and configurations. To avoid any surprises, we highly recommend that you test upgrades scenarios in a virtual machine or sandbox before running a upgrades in production.
Currently, ELevate project supports the following upgrade and migration directions: ELevate scheme CentOS 6 -> CentOS 7, CentOS7 -> AlmaLinux, CentOS Stream, EuroLinux, Oracle, Rocky 8 -> AlmaLinux, CentOS Stream, EuroLinux, Rocky 9 * - migration to CentOS Stream 9 is currently in development and will be available later.
** - 可迁移至 Oracle Linux 9 Oracle Leapp utility 并且不会得到 ELevate 项目的支持。
Note: If you use cPanel, we recommend using the cPanel ELevate fork.
What does the Package Evolution Service (PES) do?
软件包演进服务存储软件包迁移元数据。 Metadata answers questions about how packages evolve between major distribution releases. PES 支持几类软件包规则,如添加、删除、重命名、拆分、合并等。 该服务还允许每个人通过添加新操作来改进数据,甚至为来自第三方或私人资源库的软件包创建自定义数据集。
Red Hat提供了一个非免费授权的数据集。你们使用相同的数据集吗?
No. We respect Red Hat’s work and our initial data set was provided by the AlmaLinux OS Foundation with contributions from Oracle.
元数据是在 Apache 许可下提供的。
Our contributors have been part of the RHEL ecosystem for a very long time, and we recognized that the CentOS ecosystem is a very large and diverse community. 无论你使用哪个发行版,我们本着诚意开发这个项目,希望社区中的每个人都能使用它并为之做出贡献。 这就是开源方式。